Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Eva Chau - Project 1


  1. Eva, I really like the colors you chose. I think it is really bold and has strong contrast.


  2. Eva, this is Cooper. . . I really "like" this. There are a lot of text going on in your mood boards, are you planning on using a plethora of texts with in a singular website?
    all my like,

  3. First of all, I love anything from the 60s era. Twiggy is my favorite. You're typefaces go really well together, and everything looks clean and organized. Very professional...I love it!

  4. I really like your mood boards and how they really do show the feel you're going for. The fact that you used a lot of type, and not all pictures seems to have gotten you a lot more of a feel, and shows you are looking at things from more angles than just one. Good job Eva :)

  5. You are really capturing the feel of the band, but maybe you should refine the color pallet. Maybe use an accented neutral with black and white with a bright pop of color!

  6. The design (wireframe) looks like it could be really cool. I would only suggest that you make sure not to let it get too cluttered when all the details are added.

  7. I love how your mood boards flow. They are very fashionable and I feel like your font and color scheme really compliment it. It looks like your website is going to be a really interesting layout too. I'm excited to see your final product
